
Please join us for Our Place Society’s Annual General Meeting

When: Wednesday, September 28

Where: Our Place, 919 Pandora Avenue

Registration:  6:30 pm; Meeting starts promptly  at 7 p.m.

Guest speaker: The Honourable Rich Coleman, Minister of Natural Gas Development, Minister Responsible for Housing and Deputy Premier

Please RSVP by Wednesday, Sept. 21 to execasst@ourplacesociety.com or 250-388-7112 ext. 239

We look forward to sharing our major accomplishments and exciting plans for the future. For your review, the following materials for the upcoming AGM can be found below:

Community Report  Audited Financials  Agenda 

2015 AGM Minutes  Extraordinary General Meeting Minutes

Board of Director Nominees  OPS Bylaws

Summary of Miscellaneous Bylaw revisions