
Invitation to Our Place Society’s Annual General Meeting

Thank you for your valued, continued support of Our Place as a Society Member. Please join us at our 2015 Annual General Meeting:

WHEN: Thursday, September 17, 2015
WHERE: Our Place, 919 Pandora Avenue, Victoria. 
TIME: 6:30 pm – Registration & Refreshments. 
           7:00 pm – Meeting begins
Guest Speaker: The City of Victoria’s Mayor Lisa Helps

In preparation for this year’s Annual General Meeting, please see:

Slate of Directors
Annual Report 2015
Annual Consolidated Financial Statements
Minutes from last year’s AGM

Thank you for your valuable and continued support of Our Place Society. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s Annual General Meeting.  Please confirm your attendance by September 11, either by email or call Linda 250-388-7112, ext. 239.