
nOURishing Change

Turn this written word into spoken word poetry to remind us of the changes possible for folks struggling through hard times, through the love by our generous, caring community. 

Were you moved by the passionate words of Amanda Gorman at the 2020 inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris?

Can you turn the words below into a heartfelt plea for local compassion and empathy? Or do you have your own work you’d like to share? 

YES! Send your video clip to donors@ourplacesociety.com by Tuesday, April 30 at 4 p.m. A team of judges will review all entries and announce winners of the following prizes by noon on May 21st. Winners will be judged on creativity and impactful messaging as follows:

1st PRIZE – $200 gift certificate to Big Wheel Burger, to be used in 2021 at any of their five locations

2nd PRIZE – $100 gift certificate to Big Wheel Burger

3rd PRIZE – $50  gift certificate to Virtuous Pie

4th PRIZE – $25 gift certificate to CAKES ETC.

All entries will be eligible for sharing on Our Place social media channels, and require a photo release form to accompany the submission if people’s faces are shown.

Writer Marjorie Baskerville is a certified SoundBody instructor in Sooke, and a singer/songwriter and performer. She was inspired to write this piece of spoken word poetry after she watched a documentary on the life of the rising star rapper, L’il Peep, who died at age 21 from a drug overdose.


Who cares what other people think

go ahead

let them see you blink

tears of




love is an action

hate is out of fashion

the pain within the blessin’

the beauty of the lesson


You don’t need to bow

stand tall

be proud

be loud

you’re not the mindless crowd

a raging darkened cloud

their hearts and minds

will change in time

the same is true

of yours and mine

the past is gone

be here now

in the storm

the bending bough

for life is just a song




we ain’t here for long

it’s time to heal and mend


Silence the old voices

that ain’t where your path is

follow your own compass

fight for peace and justice

the world is in a crisis

find out where the light lives

do what you gotta do

be what your meant to be

stand up for love and peace

take it out into the street

for love is blind



a gift 

to wrap and leave behind

for those who need it


it never spoils

feeds the soil

tills it under

cures the hunger

it’s a tonic

it’s harmonic

and its laugh is supersonic


Even in the darkest night

love will hold you in its light

bound you tight

until the dawn

golden blanket

healing balm

hold it close

don’t let go

love has come

to help you grow

Our Place is here to let you know

love is in you

let it flow



Be hopeful,




be open and honest

keep every promise

open your mind, your soul

your heart

open the door

ignite the spark

light up the world

hold this truth

you’re loves perfection

through and through

there’s nothing left for you to do

just spread love

by being you.


(Send your name, email address to donors@ourplacesociety.com with your video clip rendition of this spoken word poetry by April 30, 2021).