
Great Grantors 2021

Our Place would like to acknowledge the great grants of $10,000 or more that we received in 2021. These generous and compassionate supporters helped give hope and belonging to those in need. We are extremely grateful to each of them for nourishing many lives and making a true difference in our community.

B.C. Housing
B.C. Community Gaming Grants Program
B.C. Addictions and Mental Health
Big Wheel Burger Community Foundation
Capital Regional District
City of Victoria
Farmlands Trust Society
Island Health
RBC Foundation
Service Canada New Horizons for Seniors Program
TD Charitable Foundation
Times Colonist Christmas Fund
United Church of Canada Foundation, Gifts with Vision, Seeds of Hope
United Church of Canada, Pacific Mountain Region
Vancouver Foundation
Victoria Foundation (various donor-advised funds)

ALACS Fund, Alistair S. Thompson Fund, Emily Elizabeth Stoneham Fund, Freda Anita Hart Fund, Funke-Ferber Fund, Humby / Frampton Fund, JAYMAC Fund, Joan C. McCarter Foundation, Orion Fund, Pinch Family Trust Fund, Rapid Relief Fund, Viveka Foundation Fund, and the Watkins Bixby Fund.