
For the Employer

Staff shortages are affecting everyone right now, and post COVID we are seeing shortages like never before. While employing people who experience barriers to employment may seem challenging, we are here to help you navigate this.

Helping someone find a supportive work environment makes real and lasting change. People find their self-respect and gain a sense of purpose. To see someone take back ownership of their lives is the most rewarding experience.

We support people before applying for work and we continue to support them while on the job.

Here are some other ways of creating a win-win situation for you and a potential employee:

Wage subsidy: When you employ someone with barriers to employment you can apply for a wage subsidy which will cover some or all the employees’ wages and benefits for a temporary period of time.

On the job support: Our WorkPlace can continue to provide on the job support to a new employee and you, the employer

Inclusion and Diversity: Not sure what inclusion and diversity looks like? We are happy to provide resources and access to training that will bring you up to date on current best practices on providing an inclusive work environment.

Work Placements: We run a 12-week pre-employment program called People in Progress, which is funded by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. The first 6 weeks are classroom based but then we put participants into a 5-week work placement. We are always looking to partner with local businesses to provide quality work experience and give someone that first taste of getting back to work. The job developer supports the participant and there is no financial cost to you; this is funded by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.

What is required of you?

A commitment to provide a placement for 20 hours per week

New worker orientation

Provide supervision and/or a buddy for the participant

Attend weekly on-site meetings with the Our WorkPlace Job Developer and participant
If you would like to know more about our programs or are interested in chatting with us about employment or work placements please contact:

Paula Greene – Job Developer