
Why Give

Quite simply, we are struggling to make ends meet at Our Place. Inflation has hit us hard, and your generous support is needed more than ever to ensure three meals a day, 365 days a year, are provided to those who are struggling. Inflation is the highest it has been in almost 40 years and food costs are escalating. Demand for emergency meals is up by 35%, and donations are 10% lower.

A nutritious meal is often what brings those we serve through our doors, but when they come to us for meals, we get the chance to spend time with them and offer them some support and care. We work to nourish the whole personphysically, socially, spiritually, and psychologically – and connect them to a path of positive change. When folks come to us for a meal, it’s more than just food on a plate – it’s compassion, community, acceptance – it’s a meal, plus so much more. 

How Your Gifts are Nourishing Lives

May 25, 2023

Freedom and Acceptance at New Roads

Donor Impact
Self-described “functional addict” Dean was never homeless, didn’t face poverty or lose his job. But, like so many of those we…
May 25, 2023

Meet the Chefs of Our Place

Donor Impact
Food has the amazing gift of bringing us together. Gathering for a meal and sharing with others around us is a universally joyful experience.…
May 25, 2023

Hope Lives Here, at New Roads

Donor Impact
Hope is a word we often toss around casually as if it has no weight. But it does. We feel it is light because we so desperately need…