
Lynn Martin

Lynn Martin

Lynn Martin moved to Victoria from Yukon in 2012 and was shocked at the number people she saw begging and living on our city’s streets.

“I spoke to many of them,” she recalls, “And I heard heartbreaking stories of substance abuse, dangerous home lives, head injuries, and mental illness.”  She adds, “Joan Baez has a song with the lyrics ‘there but for fortune may go you or I’, and I apply that thought to all those in difficulties or down on their luck.”

“I also think humanity’s best gift is to share, so my second mantra is ‘if you have it, share it.’” Lynn has put these words into direct action as a monthly supporter of Our Place for the past several years.

“Reverend Al Tysick’s Dandelion Society, which I also supported, is now under the wing of Our Place Society,” Lynn points out, observing, “I am very grateful there are resources for the many, many needy people in Victoria, and I feel it’s crucial to help keep this work going, so I do what I can.”

The faithful support of monthly donors such as Lynn makes a big difference to those experiencing homelessness, poverty, and substance use disorder.  Feeling she could do even more to create a lasting impact, Lynn has also chosen to include a gift to Our Place Society in her will.  Now, her legacy will be to provide food, shelter, services, and a hand up for others in the future.

Including a gift in your will is something anyone can do.  It is a quick and easy process, and a great way to extend your values and impact beyond your lifetime.

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