

Transforming lives begins with something as simple as a friendly smile and a non-judgmental ear.

That’s why Our Place believes in offering a hand up rather than a hand out. The lives that have been transformed because of the love, support and friendship that radiates within our building is incredible. See a few of our stories below, plus more stories can be found on our Donor Impact and Gratitude pages.

May 21, 2021

Beverly & Andrew’s Volunteer Story

What do you do at the end of a long, hard week of running your own home-based business? If you are Beverly and Andrew, you spend every…
May 21, 2021

Janet’s Volunteer Story

“I’ve been a volunteer with Our Place for several years,” says Janet who enjoys helping out at reception and in both kitchens.…
May 5, 2021

Tim’s Story

Tim Dafoe never thought he could have a new start, nor if he was even worth it. Between the ages of 10 and 21, Tim spent 9 years…
March 23, 2021

Leslie’s Story

From Victoria to Paris and back again, Leslie has lived a whirlwind life that saw her climb the peaks of happiness to the valleys of…
February 16, 2021

Tony’s Story

The one word that has followed Tony around for his entire life is ‘Trouble’. He doesn’t know if his birth parents loved him…
October 14, 2020

Forest’s Story

Without a lone moment of kindness, Forest may have fallen deeper into the depths of addiction. After moving to Vancouver…
June 15, 2020

Benoit’s Story

“It’s a blessing to be able to help the person I used to be.” — Benoit Growing up in Montreal, Benoit had a very typical…
June 15, 2020

CEO Julian Daly Welcome

It seems there is no place quite like Our Place, and I feel truly blessed to have the chance to work alongside such dedicated and compassionate…
April 22, 2020

On the Frontlines – Jordan Cooper

Ever since he was a teenager, Jordan Cooper has been working on the frontlines of poverty, homelessness, addiction, and the unpredictability…
April 9, 2020

A Changing Landscape

A Changing Landscape By Grant McKenzie Our Place is not the same today as it was the day before, and it won’t be the same tomorrow. In…
January 9, 2020

Stingrays Story

At 63, Stingray is finally finding a measure of peace in his life. A violent childhood led to a violent adulthood, but he has discovered…
January 2, 2020

Scooter Repair

Art is someone who feels deeply for others, and when he heard the stories of people struggling with basic mobility, he knew he needed…